Benefits Of Belonging To A Cult Group

From some users who had deliberated on this issues has this to say.. Read below.. 
From David Stewart’s excellent answer:  “[The ex-cultist] talked about how liberating it was not to have make constant decisions.”  Indeed. Some people are temperamentally unsuited for handling freedom. I’ve read that in ancient times, there were always a few who voluntarily sold themselves into slavery.  I spoke to an ex-cultist at length a few years ago. He talked about how liberating it was not to have make constant decisions. He said part of the attraction was limiting the thousands of choices that have to be made every day.
The appeal of a larger cult like Scientology is in the persuasive power of the members to pull in other people. Scientology trains people in effective persuasive techniques and the best way to make the cult appeal to each individual potential convert.
I lived within a cult community for two years and was on the fringes for two years prior to that. Their are certainly advantages and disadvantages, but you only asked about the first so here goes…
1. I spent almost every waking moment thinking about God with other believers and was constantly trying to get closer to God. This was and is a christian based cult. In a world where very few christians truly follow what Jesus taught this was awesome.
2. I meditated a couple of times every day on the word of God. Also awesome. If you are a believer meditation is an essential tool which few Christians have.
3. It’s kind of like being in the army. I was taught how to be part of a team (not something that comes natural to me). It also taught me to constantly think about the people around me. I’m sure I’m a better person /husband/ father because of my time spent with this cult.
I just want to end by saying that even with those positives I am very glad to be out of the cult. I could return, but never will.

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