Man strips naked and rides bike in garden to teach neighbours a lesson for invading his privacy (photos)

A man spent six days moving about naked in his compound to protest against his new neighbors who have invaded his privacy.
James Penlidis, who lives in the Melbourne suburb of Bentleigh, painted his house in the nude and rode an exercise bike naked in his garden as a means of protest. James said the house being built next door to his was an invasion of his privacy, so he decided to give them "something to look at".

Man strips naked and rides bike in garden to teach neighbours a lesson for invading his privacy (photos)

The council had assured James that the new house would have frosted glass in five windows overlooking his bedroom and living room, but when the windows were placed the glass was clear. This angered James, and he said he was walking around at boiling point:
"I was lied to by so many people – council, builders, surveyors," he said. "So I thought 'if you want something to look at, I’ll give you something.' No one wants to see a hairy Greek guy with it all hanging out."

Man strips naked and rides bike in garden to teach neighbours a lesson for invading his privacy (photos)

So, in broad daylight and in plain view of his new neighbors, the Australian stripped down as he cleaned his gutters, lit his gas grill, painted and worked out. 
James said he was wanted to have fun with the situation rather than "blow up." He explained that he went naked to show off how exposed and unprotected residents are when dealing with the building process.
James, who works as a photographer, accepted that the windows were legal and more than 10ft (3 metres) away. However, he claimed a council worker had verbally promised frosting on the windows.

Man strips naked and rides bike in garden to teach neighbours a lesson for invading his privacy (photos)

James' nude protesting was successful as after six days of walking about nude, frosting appeared on the windows. But as another four more houses were getting built within 100ft (30 metres) of his home, he threatened to do it all again.

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